Bogle Family

Sarah Caroline Bogle married Rufus Nicholson, probably in the late 1850s in Tennessee. They had 5 children that we know of, and we think their children were born in Alabama, based on the scanty census data available for this family. Their daughter, Minerva Jane Nicholson, married Walter Marion Smith (or was it Marion Walter Smith?) around 1890. One of their 6 children was my grandfather, Emmett Nicholson Smith.

Then I went farther back in the Bogle line and found Hugh Bogle, who married Hannah Caldwell in Tennessee. While I haven't figured out where she fits exactly, I am almost positive that she is connected to the Caldwells who went from southwestern Virginia to Tennessee, which would be "my" Caldwells.

Finally, I found story about the Bogles, sent to me by Danny Joe, who says his Bogle ancestor was the brother of my Bogle ancestor Hugh. So, I've included his documents here.

I also included the Bogles because a good friend of my sister's is a Bogle, with ties to the Bogles in Tennessee. We hope to find out some day whether these two good friends are related or not.

Bogle Family Genealogy

Danny Joe Bogle




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